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DYD's Spring Recital will be taking place on Saturday, January 18th beginning promptly at 4:30PM at Wilson High School's Auditorium. The information below includes important dates/times, will help walk you through the recital season, and so much more! At DYD, we strive to make Recital as easy and enjoyable as we can for our dancers, but most importantly the parents. Any and all questions/concerns should be brought to
Miss Ali in the office or sent to us by email at right away so we can help the best we can! 

What is the "Recital Guide"?

This guide is meant as a walk-through for DYD's recitals. It will help answer almost all of the frequently asked questions we as staff members have come across in the years of doing Recitals. We truly believe it will help you through just about every aspect of rehearsals and Recital! Please be sure to read it entirely and let us know if you have any other questions! We must receive a signed form back from everyone that you have read and understood the Recital Guide! 

What is the "Recital Guide Form"?


The Recital Guide Form is important to us at DYD because it lets us know that you read through our Recital Guide. It also lets us know that you agree that you understand the guide. We want to help you through every step of the process. Please feel free to use the online form in the above link or print and return the form here:

Printable Form

Tickets are on sale now! Please follow the link above to purchase your tickets online!



Dance Your Dreams

340 Morgantown Road, Suite 3

Reading, PA 19611





Monday: 5 - 8PM

Tuesday: 5 - 8PM

Wednesday: 5 - 8PM

Thursday: 5 - 8PM

*By Appointment Only!*


© Copyright 2022 Dance Your Dreams.

All rights reserved.

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